Mastering IntelliJ and Changing Spring Boot Property Location: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering IntelliJ and Changing Spring Boot Property Location: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of configuring Spring Boot properties in your IntelliJ project? Do you struggle to find the right place to put your or application.yml file? Worry no more! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of changing the Spring Boot property location in IntelliJ, making your development life easier and more efficient.

Why Change the Spring Boot Property Location?

By default, Spring Boot projects in IntelliJ look for or application.yml files in the root of the classpath, which is usually the src/main/resources directory. However, there are scenarios where you might want to change this default behavior. For example:

  • You want to keep your configuration files separate from your code.
  • You need to use environment-specific properties (e.g., dev, prod, staging).
  • You want to externalize your configuration to a separate file or repository.

In this article, we’ll explore the different ways to change the Spring Boot property location in IntelliJ and make your life as a developer more convenient.

Method 1: Using the spring.config.location Property

One way to change the Spring Boot property location is by using the spring.config.location property. This property allows you to specify the location of your or application.yml file.

To use this method, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file called (or application.yml) in the desired location (e.g., src/main/config). Add your configuration properties to this file.
  2. In your IntelliJ project, go to the Run menu and select Edit Configurations....
  3. In the Run/Debug Configurations window, click on the Environment tab.
  4. In the Environment Variables section, add a new variable called spring.config.location with the value pointing to the location of your (or application.yml) file. For example: file:src/main/config/.
  5. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

Method 2: Using the @PropertySource Annotation

Another way to change the Spring Boot property location is by using the @PropertySource annotation on your Spring Boot application configuration class.

To use this method, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file called (or application.yml) in the desired location (e.g., src/main/config). Add your configuration properties to this file.
  2. In your Spring Boot application configuration class (usually, add the @PropertySource annotation, specifying the location of your (or application.yml) file. For example:
public class Application {
  // ...

Method 3: Using the spring.config.additional-location Property

The third way to change the Spring Boot property location is by using the spring.config.additional-location property. This property allows you to specify additional locations for your or application.yml file.

To use this method, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file called (or application.yml) in the desired location (e.g., src/main/config). Add your configuration properties to this file.
  2. In your IntelliJ project, go to the Run menu and select Edit Configurations....
  3. In the Run/Debug Configurations window, click on the Environment tab.
  4. In the Environment Variables section, add a new variable called spring.config.additional-location with the value pointing to the location of your (or application.yml) file. For example: file:src/main/config/.
  5. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

Which Method to Choose?

So, which method should you choose? It depends on your specific use case and requirements. Here’s a brief summary of each method:

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Using spring.config.location
  • Easy to configure
  • Can be used with environment variables
  • Only one location can be specified
Using @PropertySource
  • Flexibility to specify multiple locations
  • Can be used with Java-based configuration
  • Only works with Java-based configuration
Using spring.config.additional-location
  • Easy to configure
  • Can be used with multiple locations
  • Only works with environment variables

In conclusion, changing the Spring Boot property location in IntelliJ can be done using three different methods: spring.config.location, @PropertySource, and spring.config.additional-location. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific use case and requirements. By following the instructions in this article, you’ll be able to easily configure and manage your Spring Boot properties in IntelliJ.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when changing the Spring Boot property location in IntelliJ:

  • Keep your configuration files separate from your code.
  • Use environment-specific properties (e.g., dev, prod, staging).
  • Externalize your configuration to a separate file or repository.
  • Use the spring.config.location property for simple configurations.
  • Use the @PropertySource annotation for Java-based configurations.
  • Use the spring.config.additional-location property for multiple locations.

By following these best practices and using the methods outlined in this article, you’ll be able to effectively manage your Spring Boot properties in IntelliJ and make your development life easier and more efficient.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the different ways to change the Spring Boot property location in IntelliJ. We’ve explored the advantages and disadvantages of each method and provided step-by-step instructions to help you get started. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to take your Spring Boot development to the next level and make your life as a developer more convenient and efficient.

So, what are you waiting for? Start changing your Spring Boot property location in IntelliJ today and take your development skills to new heights!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “IntelliJ and changing SpringBoot property location”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on IntelliJ and SpringBoot property location!

Where do I configure SpringBoot properties in IntelliJ?

You can configure SpringBoot properties in the `` or `application.yml` file, which is typically located in the `src/main/resources` directory of your project. In IntelliJ, you can find this file by navigating to the `File` menu, then `Project Structure`, and finally `Modules` > `Resources`.

How do I change the default location of SpringBoot properties in IntelliJ?

To change the default location of SpringBoot properties in IntelliJ, you can add a `spring.config.location` property in your `` or `application.yml` file. For example, you can add `spring.config.location=classpath:myconfig/` to specify a custom location for your properties file.

What if I have multiple SpringBoot properties files in different locations?

If you have multiple SpringBoot properties files in different locations, you can specify multiple locations using the `spring.config.location` property. For example, you can add `spring.config.location=classpath:myconfig/,classpath:otherconfig/` to specify two different locations for your properties files.

Can I override SpringBoot properties in IntelliJ using environment variables?

Yes, you can override SpringBoot properties in IntelliJ using environment variables. You can add environment variables in the `Run` > `Edit Configurations` dialog box, and then specify the variable names and values. For example, you can add an environment variable named `MY_VAR` with a value of `my_value` to override a SpringBoot property.

How do I reload SpringBoot properties in IntelliJ after making changes?

After making changes to your SpringBoot properties, you can reload them in IntelliJ by clicking the `Reload` button in the `Run` > `Edit Configurations` dialog box, or by restarting your SpringBoot application.

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