Unraveling the Mystery: Strange Behavior on a Next.js Application Page
Image by Emilia - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Strange Behavior on a Next.js Application Page

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Next.js, a popular React-based framework, is known for its simplicity and ease of use. However, even the most experienced developers can encounter strange behavior on a Next.js application page. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the common issues, causes, and solutions to get your application back on track.

Common Symptoms of Strange Behavior

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s identify the symptoms of strange behavior on a Next.js application page. You might experience:

  • Unexplained errors or warnings on the console
  • Pages not rendering correctly or at all
  • Incorrect or missing data on the page
  • Frequent crashes or freezing of the application
  • Inconsistent layout or styling

Cause 1: Inconsistent Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

One of the primary causes of strange behavior in Next.js is inconsistent Server-Side Rendering (SSR). SSR is a powerful feature that allows Next.js to pre-render pages on the server, providing better SEO and faster page loads. However, when not configured correctly, it can lead to unexpected results.

Symptoms of Inconsistent SSR

Identify if you’re experiencing inconsistent SSR by looking for:

  • Mismatched HTML elements between server-side and client-side rendering
  • Failed or incomplete page loads
  • Incorrect metadata or titles

Solution: Configure getServerSideProps Correctly

To resolve inconsistent SSR, ensure that your `getServerSideProps` function is properly configured. This function is responsible for fetching data on the server and passing it to the component as props.

import { GetServerSideProps } from 'next';
import axios from 'axios';

const HomePage = ({ data }) => {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to my homepage!</h1>

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async () => {
  const response = await axios.get('https://my-api.com/data');
  return {
    props: {
      data: response.data,

export default HomePage;

Cause 2: Incorrect use of Hooks

Hooks, introduced in React 16.8, provide a way to use state and other React features in functional components. However, incorrect use of hooks can lead to strange behavior on your Next.js application page.

Symptoms of Incorrect Hook Usage

Identify if you’re experiencing incorrect hook usage by looking for:

  • Unexpected state changes or props updates
  • Failed or incomplete component renders
  • Infinite loops or recursive function calls

Solution: Follow Best Practices for Hooks

To resolve incorrect hook usage, follow these best practices:

  1. Only call hooks at the top level of your component
  2. Avoid using hooks inside loops, conditional statements, or nested functions
  3. Use the `useState` hook instead of `this.state`
  4. Use the `useEffect` hook to handle side effects, such as API calls or DOM manipulation

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Handle side effects here
    axios.get('https://my-api.com/data').then(response => {
  }, []);

  return (
      <p>Count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>

Cause 3: Incompatible or Outdated Dependencies

Incompatible or outdated dependencies can cause strange behavior on your Next.js application page. This might be due to conflicts between dependencies, deprecated functionality, or untested library versions.

Symptoms of Incompatible or Outdated Dependencies

Identify if you’re experiencing incompatible or outdated dependencies by looking for:

  • Failed npm or yarn installations
  • Warnings or errors related to specific dependencies
  • Inconsistent behavior across different environments or devices

Solution: Keep Dependencies Up-to-Date and Compatible

To resolve incompatible or outdated dependencies:

  1. Regularly update your dependencies using `npm update` or `yarn upgrade`
  2. Check for compatibility issues between dependencies using tools like `npmAudit` or `yarnWhy`
  3. Avoid mixing different versions of dependencies or libraries
Library Version Compatibility
react 17.0.2 Compatible with Next.js v11.1.0
next v11.1.0 Compatible with React 17.0.2


Strange behavior on a Next.js application page can be frustrating, but by identifying the symptoms and addressing the causes, you can resolve the issues and get your application back on track. Remember to configure Server-Side Rendering correctly, use hooks responsibly, and keep your dependencies up-to-date and compatible. With these best practices in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any unexpected behavior that comes your way.

Still stuck? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Next.js community or seek help from a seasoned developer. Happy coding!

Keyword density: 0.8% – 1.2%

Frequently Asked Question

Got a Next.js application page that’s acting weird? We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions!

Why is my Next.js page reloading unexpectedly?

This could be due to a mismatch between the server-side and client-side rendering. Check your `getStaticProps` or `getServerSideProps` methods to ensure they’re returning the correct data. Also, verify that your `revalidate` option in `getStaticProps` is set correctly to avoid unnecessary re-renders.

What’s causing my page to flicker or flash on initial load?

This phenomenon is often caused by conflicting CSS rules or duplicate CSS imports. Inspect your CSS files and imported libraries to identify the culprits. Try using CSS modules or renaming CSS classes to avoid conflicts. Additionally, verify that your `styles` prop in `pages/_app.js` is correctly configured.

Why are my API requests being sent multiple times?

This might be due to an incorrect handling of loading states or an infinite loop in your component. Review your component’s lifecycle methods, such as `useEffect`, and ensure that API requests are only sent when necessary. Also, check for any accidental re-renders or recursive function calls.

What’s causing my page to render incorrectly or show stale data?

This could be related to incorrect caching or invalidation of cache. Verify that your cache headers, ` Cache-Control` and `Expires`, are correctly set in your server-side rendering response. Also, ensure that your cache invalidation strategy is in place, using techniques like cache busting or manual cache clearing.

Why is my Next.js page not responding to state changes or props updates?

This might be due to incorrect usage of React Hooks or incorrect memoization. Review your component’s implementation of React Hooks, such as `useState` and `useEffect`, to ensure they’re correctly handling state updates. Also, verify that you’re using `React.memo` or `shouldComponentUpdate` correctly to optimize re-renders.