Why Does bookdown::serve_book() Not Automatically Refresh the Viewer After Changing style.css and Saving It?
Image by Emilia - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Does bookdown::serve_book() Not Automatically Refresh the Viewer After Changing style.css and Saving It?

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Are you frustrated with the lack of automatic refresh after modifying style.css and saving it while using bookdown::serve_book()? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this behavior and provide you with clear instructions on how to overcome this obstacle.

What is bookdown::serve_book()?

bookdown::serve_book() is a function in R that allows you to serve your book in a local web browser. It’s an excellent tool for authoring and previewing your book in real-time, especially when combined with R Markdown. With bookdown::serve_book(), you can focus on writing your content while automatically rendering your book in the browser.

The Problem: No Automatic Refresh

After making changes to your style.css file and saving it, you might expect the browser to automatically refresh and reflect the changes. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen by default. This can lead to confusion and frustration, especially if you’re making significant changes to your book’s layout.

Why Doesn’t bookdown::serve_book() Automatically Refresh?

The reason behind this behavior lies in how bookdown::serve_book() works. When you call the function, it starts a local web server that serves your book in the browser. However, this server only rebuilds the book when the underlying R Markdown files change. Since style.css is not an R Markdown file, changes to it don’t trigger a rebuild.

What Triggers a Rebuild?

So, what does trigger a rebuild of your book? Here are some scenarios that cause bookdown::serve_book() to rebuild your book:

  • Changes to your R Markdown files (.Rmd)
  • Changes to your index.Rmd file
  • Changes to your YAML header (e.g., _output.yaml)

Notice that changes to style.css are not on this list. This is why modifying style.css and saving it doesn’t automatically refresh the browser.

Solution 1: Manually Refreshing the Browser

The simplest solution is to manually refresh the browser after making changes to style.css. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re making frequent changes. However, it’s a straightforward approach that gets the job done.

Solution 2: Using bookdown::build_book()

An alternative approach is to use bookdown::build_book() instead of bookdown::serve_book(). The build_book() function rebuilds your entire book from scratch, which means it will pick up changes to style.css. However, this approach has some drawbacks:

  • It’s slower than serve_book() since it rebuilds the entire book
  • You need to manually call build_book() every time you make changes to style.css

Solution 3: Modifying the serve_book() Function

A more advanced approach is to modify the serve_book() function itself. You can create a custom function that checks for changes to style.css and triggers a rebuild of your book.

serve_book_with_css_refresh <- function(...) {
  old_css_time <- file.info("style.css")$mtime
  while (TRUE) {
    new_css_time <- file.info("style.css")$mtime
    if (new_css_time != old_css_time) {

This custom function will rebuild your book every time the style.css file changes. Note that you’ll need to replace “your_book.Rmd” with the actual path to your R Markdown file.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to help you work efficiently with bookdown::serve_book() and style.css:

1. Use a CSS Preprocessor

Consider using a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less to compile your stylesheets. This allows you to write more efficient and modular CSS code.

2. Organize Your CSS Files

Keep your CSS files organized by separating them into smaller, reusable modules. This makes it easier to maintain and update your styles.

3. Leverage the Power of CSS Variables

Use CSS variables to define reusable styles and make your CSS code more flexible. This allows you to make global changes to your book’s layout with ease.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind bookdown::serve_book()’s lack of automatic refresh after changing style.css and saving it. We’ve also provided you with clear instructions on how to overcome this obstacle, from manual browser refreshes to modifying the serve_book() function itself. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to work efficiently with bookdown::serve_book() and create stunning books with ease.

Keyword Frequency
bookdown::serve_book() 7
style.css 6
automatic refresh 4
R Markdown 3

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Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on why bookdown::serve_book() doesn’t automatically refresh the Viewer after changing style.css and saving it!

Why doesn’t bookdown::serve_book() automatically refresh the Viewer after I save changes to style.css?

Bookdown’s serve_book() function uses a caching mechanism to improve performance. This means that it stores the rendered HTML and CSS files in memory, so it doesn’t need to re-render everything from scratch every time you make a change. Unfortunately, this caching can sometimes get in the way of seeing your changes immediately. To get around this, you can try restarting the R session, deleting the cache, or using serve_book(cache = FALSE) to disable caching.

Is there a way to force bookdown::serve_book() to refresh the Viewer automatically after saving changes to style.css?

While there isn’t a built-in way to force an automatic refresh, you can try using a workflow that involves writing a script to restart the R session or delete the cache after saving changes to style.css. You could also consider using other development tools, like RStudio’s “Build” pane, which can help you automate the process.

What’s the deal with caching in bookdown::serve_book()? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Caching in bookdown::serve_book() is a double-edged sword! On the one hand, it can significantly improve performance by reducing the time it takes to render your book. On the other hand, it can sometimes lead to issues like this, where you don’t see your changes right away. Ultimately, caching is a trade-off between performance and flexibility.

Are there any plans to improve the way bookdown::serve_book() handles caching and refreshing the Viewer?

The bookdown package is actively maintained, and the developers are always looking for ways to improve the user experience. While there aren’t any specific plans to change the caching behavior in serve_book() right now, the community is always open to feedback and suggestions. If you have ideas for how to improve this process, feel free to submit an issue or pull request on the bookdown GitHub page!

What can I do in the meantime to make sure I see my changes to style.css right away?

In the meantime, you can try forcing a refresh by restarting the R session, deleting the cache, or using serve_book(cache = FALSE). You could also consider writing a script to automate this process for you. And don’t forget to save your work frequently and try to keep your style.css changes small and incremental, so it’s easier to debug if something goes wrong!

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