The Quest Begins: Understanding Router Outlets
Image by Emilia -

The Quest Begins: Understanding Router Outlets

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Ah, the eternal quest for Angular mastery! In this article, we’ll dive into the mystical realm of nested router outlets and explore the possibilities of replacing components partially. Buckle up, young padawan, and let’s embark on this thrilling adventure!

The Quest Begins: Understanding Router Outlets

Before we delve into the depths of nested router outlets, let’s start with the basics. In Angular, a router outlet is a directive that marks the location in a template where the router should render the matched component. You’ve probably used it before, like this:


This router outlet will render the component that matches the current route. Simple, right? Well, things get more interesting when we introduce nested router outlets.

Nested Router Outlets: The Possibilities

Imagine you have a component that serves as a partial, containing a chunk of your application’s UI. You want to replace this partial with another component, but only partially. That’s where nested router outlets come in. By nesting router outlets, you can create a hierarchical routing system that allows you to replace components partially.

Here’s an example:

    <!-- partial content -->
    <router-outlet name="partial"></router-outlet>

In this example, we have a top-level router outlet that renders the main component. Within this component, we have a nested router outlet with the name “partial”. This nested outlet will render a partial component that can be replaced dynamically.

The Magic Happens: Creating Routes for Nested Outlets

To make this work, we need to create routes that target the nested router outlet. In your routing module, you can define routes like this:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: MainComponent,
    children: [
        path: '',
        component: PartialComponent,
        outlet: 'partial'

In this example, we have a route that targets the MainComponent, which contains the nested router outlet. The child route targets the PartialComponent, which will be rendered in the nested outlet. The “outlet” property specifies the name of the outlet to target.

ActivatedRoute and Outlet Context

When working with nested router outlets, it’s essential to understand the role of ActivatedRoute and outlet context. ActivatedRoute provides information about the current route, including the outlet context. The outlet context is an object that contains information about the outlet, such as its name and component.

You can access the outlet context in your component using the ActivatedRoute:

import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-main',
  template: '<router-outlet name="partial"></router-outlet>'
export class MainComponent {
  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { }

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    const outletContext = this.route.snapshot.outletContext;

In this example, we access the outlet context using the ActivatedRoute. The outlet context will contain information about the nested router outlet, including its name and component.

Replacing Components Partially

Now that we have our nested router outlet and routes set up, let’s explore how to replace components partially. Imagine you want to replace the PartialComponent with another component, let’s call it AlternatePartialComponent.

You can create a new route that targets the nested router outlet and renders the AlternatePartialComponent:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: MainComponent,
    children: [
        path: '',
        component: PartialComponent,
        outlet: 'partial'
        path: 'alternate',
        component: AlternatePartialComponent,
        outlet: 'partial'

In this example, we have two child routes that target the same nested router outlet. The first route renders the PartialComponent, while the second route renders the AlternatePartialComponent. By navigating to the “/alternate” route, we can replace the PartialComponent with the AlternatePartialComponent.

Using Route Parameters

You can also use route parameters to make the component replacement more flexible. For example, you can create a route that takes a parameter to determine which component to render:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: MainComponent,
    children: [
        path: ':type',
        component: PartialComponent,
        outlet: 'partial'

In this example, the route takes a “type” parameter that determines which component to render. You can then use this parameter in your component to decide which component to render:

import { Component, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-main',
  template: '<router-outlet name="partial"></router-outlet>'
export class MainComponent {
  type: string;

  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { }

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.type = this.route.snapshot.params.type;
    if (this.type === 'alternate') {
      // render AlternatePartialComponent
    } else {
      // render PartialComponent

In this example, we use the route parameter to determine which component to render. By navigating to the “/alternate” route, we can replace the PartialComponent with the AlternatePartialComponent.


And there you have it, young padawan! You now have the power to create nested router outlets that replace components partially in Angular. Remember to keep it simple, yet creative, and always keep the outlets nested.

Scenario Solution
Nested router outlet Use a nested router outlet with a specific name
Component replacement Define routes that target the nested router outlet
Flexible component rendering Use route parameters to determine which component to render

As you venture forth into the realm of Angular development, remember that the force is strong with you. May your components be nested, and your router outlets be wisely used!

  • Keep your routes organized and maintainable
  • Use outlet context to access information about the outlet
  • Experiment with different router outlet configurations
  • May the Angular be with you!
  1. Understand the basics of router outlets
  2. Create a nested router outlet
  3. Define routes that target the nested router outlet
  4. Use route parameters to make component replacement more flexible
  5. Experiment with different scenarios and configurations

Farewell, young padawan! May your Angular journey be filled with wisdom, creativity, and nested router outlets!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with Angular routing and wondering how to create a nested router-outlet to replace a component partially? Well, you’re in the right place! Here are some answers to get you un stuck.

Can I use multiple router-outlets in a single component?

Yes, you can! You can have multiple router-outlets in a single component, but each outlet must have a unique name. You can achieve this by using the `name` attribute on the `router-outlet` element, like `` and ``. This way, you can have different routes loading into different outlets.

How do I create a nested router-outlet?

To create a nested router-outlet, you need to define a child route with a router-outlet in its template. For example, you can have a parent route with a router-outlet, and a child route that loads a component with its own router-outlet. This way, the child route will load into the parent’s router-outlet, creating a nested outlet structure.

Can I replace a component partially using nested router-outlet?

Yes, you can! By using a nested router-outlet, you can replace a part of a component with a new component. For example, you can have a parent component with a header, footer, and a router-outlet in the middle. Then, you can define a child route that loads a new component into the outlet, replacing the middle part of the parent component.

How do I define routes for a nested router-outlet?

To define routes for a nested router-outlet, you need to create a child route configuration with a `path` and a `component` property. The `path` property should match the router-outlet’s name, and the `component` property should reference the component that you want to load into the outlet. For example, `{ path: ‘inner’, component: InnerComponent }`.

Are there any limitations to using nested router-outlets?

Yes, there are some limitations! Nested router-outlets can become complex and hard to manage, especially when you have multiple levels of nesting. Additionally, you need to carefully design your route configurations to avoid conflicts and ensure that the correct components are loaded into the correct outlets.